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Ministry News Blog

Writer's picture: Queen PhillipsQueen Phillips

Updated: Mar 26, 2021

Thank you!

Greetings, Members, in the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ

Grace and peace be multiplied unto you,

This is my first OFFICIAL news blog post. I simply want to say, “Thank you.” Thanks for signing up as a member, and thanks for browsing or following my ministry on this website or my other social media platforms. I dare not take it for granted. I appreciate you and pray that the content on offers inspiration and encouragement in these difficult times.

Thank you for your support and donations, which says you appreciate what God has entrusted to me as a servant in the Kingdom of God. I am grateful.

How are you?

These are difficult times, to say the least, but I pray that you are doing well and trusting the faithful God and loving Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Although these are perilous times, God is trustworthy; He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. I believe His Word. I pray that you believe as well.

My sincere prayer is that God’s people do not grow weary and faint due to the challenges they may be facing. Therefore, I pray earnestly for your provision and protection. May the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all; may He establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints.

If you, like so many, have been stricken with grief mourning the death of family and friends, my prayers have been consistently praying for your comfort, strength and peace in Christ.

Charitable Donation

It is our desire to obey the Word… “If you give to others, you will be given a full amount in return. It will be packed down, shaken together, and spilling over into your lap. The way you treat others is the way you will be treated." -Luke 6:38 CEV. Our charitable donation went to Angel Tree in 2020. As we are faithful to God’s business, He will supply our need so that we can give in proportion as the Lord blesses.

Ministry News Update 2020-2021

We hosted two events in 2020. We launched our first virtual event, “Daughters of the King Virtual Check Up” Subtopic: How are you holding up? The word of encouragement was God has commanded your strength, based on Psalm 68:28. It was held October 3, 2020 and well attended locally and nationally. Three speakers shared concerning physical, emotional, and spiritual strength. Many were healed as the word of power and anointing permeated the virtual atmosphere. A time of prayer and release took place as intercessors prayed in the Spirit.

Our second event was “When Women Pray” on Saturday, November 21, 2020. This event was also held via ZOOM and was well attended nationwide. The focus was just as the name—when women pray.

Ministry Expansion Update

Our training presentations and teaching ministry are now conducted under Royalty

Solutions, LLC. Spiritual Warfare training was the first training event of this year, January 2021. The response was outstanding. It was also virtual and well attended internationally. We received so much feedback; we are grateful to God. A poll conducted indicated a desire for a part two. Also, pre-recorded presentations are available under the training channels tab on website.

In addition, Royalty Solutions provides faith-based individual and group coaching based on biblical principles and the doctrines of Jesus Christ. The focus is on deep transformational coaching. Please feel free to visit the new website. You can also join our mailing list to receive updates or sign up to become a member. We are in the process of making special content available to members. So stay tuned!

Social Media vs. Social Ministry

The social media craze is tearing down barriers and local assemblies have had to change from the traditional way of ministry. Many were already using social media platforms, but the pandemic (Coronavirus/COVID-19) interrupted the normalcy of worship settings and church gatherings had become accustomed to. The purpose of the Church of Jesus Christ differs in every aspect from the cultural craze of social media. To differentiate that purpose, the term now that best describes the Church, and its Kingdom agenda is “Social Ministry.”

Although Majestic Worldwide Ministries, Inc. is not a local assembly that meets in a physical building or has a congregation, we are committed to the Kingdom agenda and the assignment entrusted to us by God’s grace. Therefore, we endeavor to use the social platforms available to advance the Kingdom by publishing the Good News of Jesus Christ to the masses, trusting God for worldwide impact. The reality of this is happening through our Intercessory Prayer Channel, podcasts, and writing ministry.

We look forward to continue inspiring the soul and encouraging the heart through publishing and proclaiming the Good News.


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