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Writer's pictureQueen Phillips

Emotional Roller Coaster

Updated: Aug 20, 2021

I admit, there is so much craziness going on the world today that if it doesn’t put you on an emotional roller coaster chances are you’re part of the problem. Yelp! I said it!

However, you must be extremely careful not to allow what’s completely out of your control overpower you to the extent that you become irrational and panicky.

To live in panic mode sweltering with anxiety is dangerous to you on all levels.

Anxiety and worry overpower you when you constantly focus on what you see, hear and feel rather than focusing on God’s love for you and those you care about. This is why it is absolutely necessary to take control of your environment.

For example, when the nightly news is affecting you emotionally, take a break from watching it. When you are constantly surrounded by negative people, break away for a while. And if they want to know why you are distancing yourself, be honest and tell them. Your emotional health is a priority.

Philippians 4:8 gives a formula for controlling your thoughts, which will put your emotions in check and your behavior IF you apply the formula, which I call selective thinking.

“Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. (New Living Translation)

The appropriate way to respond to anxiety is right thinking—change what you’re thinking about and engage in activities that redirects your thought process. Learning to control your thoughts early on can be beneficial later.

Here are seven (7) practical tips to you remain emotionally well:

  • Give yourself space to refocus.

  • Find a quiet space and meditate on what’s good, pleasurable, admirable. The book of Psalms is a good place to start. You will find that the psalmist expressed an array of emotional ups and down. However, he always concluded by redirecting his thoughts to the Creator, who is worthy of praise.

  • Go for a prayer walk in the park, sit and people watch, read or journal, watch the children’s carefree activity.

  • Pray for someone else who you know may be facing challenges. It will help you to redirects your thoughts from yourself. Eliminate the self-pity tendency.

  • Focus on fun memories that will cheer you up and make you laugh. (“Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time.” Proverbs 17:12 GNT)

  • Consider the beauty of nature—flowers how they bloom at different seasons.

  • Listen to inspirational music/songs that will lift your spirit.

You were never meant to live in fear, worry and anxiety. Your Creator has provided everything needed for a life of peace, contentment and trust available in Him.


©2020 Queen E. Phillips, Royalty Solutions. All rights reserved.


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