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Are You...


  • open-minded?

  • serious about personal growth & development?

  • willing to make decisions that will cause inner transformation?

  • ready to take responsibility for your life and pursue God's purpose for you?

  • able to accept that you may need to change your way thinking?

  • someone who believes that the potential for greatness is inside of them. 


What goals do you desire to achieve but never 

pursued because you gave yourself one excuse

after another?


Perhaps you had a legitimate reason for not pursuing your

goals, at some point, but there is never a legitimate excuse.

It is easy for legitimate reasons to turn into excuses when

you allow yourself to keep overanalyzing temporary reasons.

As a result, you settle and become satisfied or complacent

with the status quo.


What dreams have you given up on because of fear?


It is not a reason or excuse to bury your dreams. When you are fearful, it is your innate need to seek guidance and wisdom from the One who has put within you dreams for greatness --God, the Creator of the universe.


 You have no more excuses. I have your solution! I have the keys you need to unlock the greatness that is within you.

Transformational Life Coach

I am excited about your future!

I will help you do the following:
  • Identify personal goals and make plans to achieve them

  • Explore options and challenge you to go beyond your comfort zone

  • Assess your strengths and weaknesses to maximize your potential

  • Redirect your thoughts and control your emotions to see from God's perspective

  • Remove roadblocks such as fear, procrastination, perfectionism and hold you accountable to stay on the path to success, always moving forward

  • Ultimately, as your coach, I will assist and guide you in getting to the desired outcome. 

I will help you reach your desired outcome by... 

  • Providing training and consultation to give you the keys to access what is already within you.

  • Providing training to individuals and groups on personal growth & development, social interaction, and situational leadership.

  • Motivating you to implement what you learn or already know.

  • Encouraging and pushing you to move forward and let go of past mistakes and failures.

  • Offering inspirational resources to keep you focused, faithful and fearless. 

  • Holding you accountable and challenging you to launch out and activate your gift(s) to help others.


"But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,

a consecrated nation, a special people..."


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